School Motto
…That in all thing, He might have the preeminence…
Colossians 1:18b

School Context
Current Registration
The Coffs Harbour Bible Church School is a direct ministry of the Coffs Harbour Bible Church Incorporated.
The School under the NSW Education Act has been deemed as an ‘Exempt from Registration’ school for years Kindergarten to Year 10.
This school had its first enrolments in 1982 out at Crossmaglen. The school then moved into its current location in Hi Tech Drive, Toormina in 2003. Since its inception, it has continued to minister to the children of the members of the Coffs Harbour Bible Church.
Currently the school extends from Kindergarten to Year 10.
We are thankful to God for all He has done in the lives of the students who have been educated in the school.

2025 School Term Dates and Events

Our School has an array of documents and policies that are available in the links below.
Annual Report 2023
VIEW REPORTParent Handbook
ENTER LIBRARYStatement of Faith
Please contact us below should you require any further information.